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About the game:


Unlikely Game is a platform puzzle game inspired by the Impossible Game and Paper Mario. To play this game, players need to jump their way through while avoid obstacles, much like the famous impossible game. On the other hand, player also need to switch between 2d/3d perspective, because certain puzzles can only be solved in certain dimensions.

The finished project includes 3 interesting levels. This game has been selected as the showcase game on cohort 8 graduation party for guests to play. 


Unlikely Game

key words: DirectX(xbox) \ OpenGL(pc), bullet physics, Xbox

This game is created by 2 FIEA programmers --  my buddy Matt Bradberry and I -- in 3 weeks for FIEA semester one, programmer's final project. We took 2 weeks to finish the game on PC, then spent another week porting it to XBOX,  plus some polish work.


My contributions on this game included: gameplay, map generation, level design, UI and sound. 

Something interesting:

One clever step on our development cycle I thought was worth mentioning is our map generation pipeline -- Unity. Only with a small portion of C# scripts, we were able to get all the model info from the unity scene. Info like position, rotation, scale, type, and then we output all of them to a map file which latter served as an input file into the actual game. With that feature, we expended the game by giving non-programmers a chance to build our level.


Developing in XBOX:

A very valuable asset for this assignment is the original XBOX dev kit. Putting a game in XBOX could be fun, but it also means we have to do a lot of port work and worked with vs 2003 and Direct8.0. A little bit of pain I agree, but in the end it's worth it.

In short, with all the demos and source codes the kit provided, is really easy to find what we want. Now to me, being a console developer is not that unapproachable. I know I only saw a glance of ice mountain, yet the taste of sweetness courage me to move forward.


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